I got back from Hawaii a few weeks ago so I'm finally going to post soem pics of the awesome things I saw. It's a beautiful place but i dont know if i could live there because everyone is such a hippie. some hippie referred to me as "the alternative guy with dyed black hair all seattle style." also just as i was ready to bite the bullet and pay for internet by myself since my rommates kept blowing it off i discovered that when my computer is the opposite corner of my room where it normally sits the airport card picks up one of my neighbor's signals. free internet kicks ass. until next time.
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 14, 2004
I got back from Hawaii a few weeks ago but im still too lazy to post … -
Tuesday Dec 14, 2004
I got back from Hawaii a few weeks ago so I'm finally going to post s… -
Monday Nov 01, 2004
I'm getting really fed up with the bullshit my roommates keep putting… -
Tuesday Sep 21, 2004
Ok, so it's been about a billion years since I've written a journal e… -
Saturday Jul 10, 2004
it''s been awhile since i've had access to a computer so sorry if i h… -
Saturday Jun 26, 2004
So today has sucked so far and it doesn't look like its going to chan… -
Saturday Jun 19, 2004
Random thoughts going through my head at the moment: 1. i'm stoked… -
Monday Jun 14, 2004
It's been a few days. The DSL in my house was down for a bit and just… -
Monday Jun 14, 2004
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Monday Jun 07, 2004
I thought I unintentionally pissed someone off here, which I felt bad…