Ok, so it's been about a billion years since I've written a journal entry. My interent was down then back up then down again so I finally cancelled it thinking that my two new roommates and I would get cable internet right away because that was what we said. It's been 2 1/2 months so far and still nothing so my only computer access has been in school computer labs who are not exactly too keen on going to sites with naked girls. But I just bought a new powerbook with an airport card so things are looking up in that department. Other departments however, not so much. I'm all work and I get no play.
Hey, curious - just why exactly do you work so much? Day AND night jobs would kill me. What do you need all the $$$ for anyway. Maybe I should just bring this up in person instead.
Shave your arms too? I do when I remember.
I'm a dork and signed up for the SG Dating, should prove to be pointlessly interesting.
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( . *hearts sqp*
. .)
( . *hearts sqp*