Well I just joined this site the other day. Did the whole Friendster thing for awhile but that seems to have died down and
I didn't feel like doing myself so I figured I'd do something a little different. Plus it doesn't hurt to be able to look at sooo many beautiful girls, especially in a forum where they seem so much more accessible because there is at least the potential of getting to know them and maybe find a little or a lot of common ground. It's also super rad that there is a place that presents an image of women alternative to the rediculously unrealistic and often vapid images you see just about everywhere else. That is why I chose to give money to this site rather to keep using Frindster or go to MySpace, well that and they don't have nearly as many pretty girls. I don't know anyone here yet, but if you have any questions for me please feel free to ask, I love meeting and talking to knew people although I'm usually a bit shy at first.
I didn't feel like doing myself so I figured I'd do something a little different. Plus it doesn't hurt to be able to look at sooo many beautiful girls, especially in a forum where they seem so much more accessible because there is at least the potential of getting to know them and maybe find a little or a lot of common ground. It's also super rad that there is a place that presents an image of women alternative to the rediculously unrealistic and often vapid images you see just about everywhere else. That is why I chose to give money to this site rather to keep using Frindster or go to MySpace, well that and they don't have nearly as many pretty girls. I don't know anyone here yet, but if you have any questions for me please feel free to ask, I love meeting and talking to knew people although I'm usually a bit shy at first.

first thing is to capture the web address of the image.. it's pretty simple really.. find the pic that you like.. and make sure it's full sized.. which means that you wanna make sure it's not a thumbnail pic.. it'll stay that size when you transfer it.. if you want it small.. there you go.. if not.. click on the photo and it will pop up in a new window.. Right click on the photo and a box will come up with options which include saving the photo and other fun things.. at the bottom of the list is "properties". choose that one.. when the properties open up, copy the web address of the photo you want..
copy the web address and return to where you want to post the picture..
open a comment box or your weblog (blog) and post an entry in your journal..
for the photo, you have the option of using the Bulletin Board's auto complete option or just typing in the BBCode yourself.. I suggest letting the Bulletin Board take care of it..
so you look below this bow where you type and notice a list of options.. among them is image.. click the word and a gray window box will open on the top of your screen.. this box will ask you to enter the url of the image.. delete the HTTP:// that is there.. you've already saved that part.. now right click your mouse pointer on the line given in the windows box and paste the info you copied from properties.. and it will pop a line into this text box that makes the image appear
basically it turns on a code then turns it off at the appropriate place..
as an example.. [ img] [ /img] would show an image if there was any info typed between them and if you took out the extra spaces..
the boxes only effect those things that fall between them..
[ quote] [/quote ] will put text into a quote box
[ i] [/i ] will make text italic
[ b] [/b ] will make text bold
if you want to put in a URL link to another site.. just put it in and the BB will automatically make it a link as long as it begins with http:// (see) if you want to make a hidden link or use member name links.. just use the boxes below.. it's not too hard.. try posting comments on a test journal page.. just type up something silly...
ok.. time to go get some pizza.. if you want any more info.. just let me know..
[Edited on Jun 04, 2004 6:28PM]
xxx sparrow