We stood for all the world to see. A sampler of all the world has to offer, and yet we were brothers and sisters by choice. Armies of the world have come to bear down on us, to break our home, and so we stand arm to arm. With all the world out against us we knew we wouldn't overcome but yet we would not go down with out fight, giving the prevervialfinger to society and it's norms. We are not the freaks, or the outcasts. We stand as a family, of choice and circumstances only wishing that the world could see that it's the very act of standing against us that makes us strong. And we will not die. Nor will we fail in this endeavor, even if we fall.
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What the hell is with the people I find myself in relations with. W… -
So I find myself in a bit of a conundrum, and worse yet im not sure… -
LFG: Grim Dawn
Looking for fun group to run through main campaign in Grim Dawn thi… -
parts hunting
I have been in the process of assembling a 1980 GMC Sierra Grande, … -
Its a marathon kinda night...
So, I decided at work this morning that tonight would serve as a g… -
weekend retrospective
I love when parties are thrown with a group of old friends, there a… -
What a week, and its only tuesday ....
So, for the past 4 days, going on 5 days, I have essentially been w… -
Ugh X(
So, It looks like the truck decided it was tiered and needed a nap.… -
I feel like I have been letting everyone here in this community dow…