It seems, lately, whenever i close my eyes many another life time passes by. Kinda like watching discovery or the history channel, but more interesting. The answer to the important questions like what if cities could fly or what if the sky were dark and the sun never rose again? It used to be that i would just use this as an escape, bc the real world didnt conform to any certain rules that could be understood and therefore could see what to expect. But, maybe I have fallen back into this bad habit. The nights seem shorter even though i know they are getting longer. I dont remember dreaming but I have thoughts and feelings that im pretty sure no sane person would ever dream of thinking up, or even try atleast.
Not that I mind, Ive been asked to run a D&D campaign, and some of the things ive thought of have sent shiver down the spine of my players. It does make for an interesting game night lol.
But, I have managed to start my gaming\coffee table . *points below*
Its a birch table made on to a boxed frame, the top is removable revealing the storage spot there in. There is a name for this style of furniture but it alludes me at the moment, but any who. It will make a great gaming table when all is said and done. It is going to be stained a dark maple color and going to cover the base with either a black or maybe a brown tweet material( i havent decided yet). If i can i might try and find a mural material, like you would see a wolf in the forest or deer as such.
Well im sure ive bored you enough by now so I will say adieu and a great night ;) who knows maybe i will see you there.....