What 5.5lbs of bacon looks like?
And yes it is candied. making gift baskets for christmas containing beef jerky, candied bacon, and bottled hot sauce. speaking of hot sauce, I may have over made hot sauce. anybody wants any? lol
Success! I believe that my first attempt at making hot sauce has bore fruit. though on the finer points I worry about how much more sauce the recipe turned out vs how much it said it should. I know I've been out of school a while but 9 cups doesn't exactly equally 2 and some liters, but I'm chocking that up to my awesome poodle...
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So there is this family I'm friends with that can't ever catch a break. you know normal mom dad 2 kids and 3 foster children. Now the paren't make sure the kids are all provided for but bc of all the extracurricular they have to do they never seem to get a break. I've been thinking of making them a dinner for them all and...
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First off let me begin by apologizing for not posting pictures sooner. Apparently I ate and immediately passed out afterwards. needless to say I was vwry pleased at how well dinner had turned out XD. but I did manage to take a photo b4 it's quick departure.
This week's current project is a recipe for hot sauce I found. so far it has me worried....
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I'm hoping I might can use it for flavoring.
So at lunch today I decided on smoking ribs for dinner. you know, eat like the fat king I think myself to be. so a full rack and a bake potato baking on the coals in butter, chives, salt and pepper. XD and worst part is I can't seem to find anyone to share with.
So I spent all day working on my snacks for next week that I may have forgot to actually cook actual food XD and I can't go anywhere til my candied bacon comes off the smoker. Anybody wanna pick me something up? In return I'll trade home made beef jerky and candied bacon, a promise of a full meal at a later date, and my...
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Highlighting one of the more attractive aspects to knowing me.... I love cooking for others XD
I hate being away from the sg community. Being somewhat of a minimalist, I enjoy my little indulgences, from my quarterly magazines, weekend bbqs, and the lovely ladies on this site. XD
The fact of how much didn't dawn on me til a few minutes ago. I've been Mia for awhile, life has been busy and hectic. But this evening I thought I would check...
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So in days of late I've thought I've had enough being single and should seriously look for someone special. Thus being who I am my mind wandered and instead declared thursdays are hence forth tequila thursdays! And everyone in the kingdom cheered. So have a shot of tequila with me and smile at life for a minute. :) I'm waiting glass in hand.