Well, they stuck me with 24th Marine Regiment in KC. So I live there till June of 06. Right after I got back from 29 Palms, CA, I got sent to Louisiana in support of the hurricane relief efforts. It was pretty bad down there. Sad. So many people lost everything. My heart goes out to those victims of such a terrible natural catastrophe.
More Blogs
Monday May 22, 2006
damn. I just noticed that my first journal entry since I got married … -
Thursday May 18, 2006
I just talked to an old friend from h.s. Koyongi. It's been like 7 … -
Monday May 15, 2006
got me a laptop so now I can keep up on the site. oh yeah. I'm gett… -
Saturday Oct 08, 2005
Oh yeah, and I'm getting married today to my long time love, Sarah Em… -
Saturday Oct 08, 2005
Well, they stuck me with 24th Marine Regiment in KC. So I live there… -
Saturday Jul 16, 2005
Thank you to all my friends that wished me happy birthday. It means … -
Tuesday May 24, 2005
Well, one week left before I go on active duty again. Not too nervou… -
Thursday May 12, 2005
Well everyone, my unit activates June 1. I get to spend 3 months at … -
Thursday Apr 07, 2005
I got all my tattoo gear a while back and my bro and I have been work… -
Monday Mar 28, 2005
Sorry it's been so long since I made an entry. I moved and the only …