damn. I just noticed that my first journal entry since I got married was that I was getting divorced. that sucks. didn't make it too long did I? I was a jackass and couldn't make my mind up like a normal damn person and also let myself make stupid mistakes now I've lost my wife, and one of my best friends. To my wife. Talk...
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I just talked to an old friend from h.s. Koyongi. It's been like 7 years! It was good talking to her. Maybe we can catch up or something sometime. I'm going to the Stone Sour concert tonight at The Beaumont Club. Awesome huh? Hells yeah! My wife told me she found someone to divorce us for like $200. It still feels kinda wierd. I mean...
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got me a laptop so now I can keep up on the site. oh yeah. I'm getting divorced.
Oh yeah, and I'm getting married today to my long time love, Sarah Emmons. Wish me luck!
Congragulations on the wedding!!!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! Wishing you brightest blessings for 2006.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! Wishing you brightest blessings for 2006.
Well, they stuck me with 24th Marine Regiment in KC. So I live there till June of 06. Right after I got back from 29 Palms, CA, I got sent to Louisiana in support of the hurricane relief efforts. It was pretty bad down there. Sad. So many people lost everything. My heart goes out to those victims of such a terrible natural catastrophe.
Thank you to all my friends that wished me happy birthday. It means a lot to me. I'm sweating my ass off here at 29 Palms, CA. Guess what? They're stationing me at 24th Marines HQ in KC, MO. Well, I gotta go. Love ya'll.
Well, one week left before I go on active duty again. Not too nervous yet. Just want to get it over with so I can get back and build my bike. I also got more work done on my left sleeve and hope to add to it this saturday. I found an awesome shop in KC called Purgatory Tattoo and they're awesome!! Anyone around KC,...
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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday!
Well everyone, my unit activates June 1. I get to spend 3 months at Marine Corps Base 29 Palms, CA and then off to Iraq for 7 months. Great fun, great fun.

I got all my tattoo gear a while back and my bro and I have been working on some stuff. I'm making good progress on my left sleeve and my legs. I also got my back started but it's nowhere near done. Well, hopefully some of my friends will write me.
I will have to check these tats out. You are doing this work on yourself? Interesting.
Yeah, I'm doing all my own work now. keep in mind I just started a couple months ago.
Sorry it's been so long since I made an entry. I moved and the only puter I have access to is my brother's. I just didn't want his little children to get on here but i don't think they can find it. I'm getting a new job, had a lot of experiences in the short time I've been living here and things are finally starting...
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