wednesdays are my day off, and have been since the semester started. and every wednesday i promise myself to get my oil changed in my car - since my car sounds like a train now with the loud tapping.
well tuesday nights are my mid-week party nights. late nights of water bongs and playing endless amounts of asshole. then i find myself dragging my feet in the door at 6 in the morning. waking up 8 hours later.
cant go then! my development has two exits. both exits face the massive high school's exits. and with the 700 seniors all driving home at the same time theres no chance of me getting through that traffic, especially burnt.
another week
another non-oil change
at least i got my wawa peach tea
and a liter o cola in the fridge as reserves.
well tuesday nights are my mid-week party nights. late nights of water bongs and playing endless amounts of asshole. then i find myself dragging my feet in the door at 6 in the morning. waking up 8 hours later.
cant go then! my development has two exits. both exits face the massive high school's exits. and with the 700 seniors all driving home at the same time theres no chance of me getting through that traffic, especially burnt.
another week
another non-oil change
at least i got my wawa peach tea
and a liter o cola in the fridge as reserves.
wow you're pretty much my hero, drummer, good music taste, and pretty sexy with the hair wax