Remember when you were kids and thought about the year 2000? Did most of you think everything would be different and hi-tech looking? Flying cars and every building sleek in design with a mirror-glass facade. Futuristic clothes and haircuts, with different words meaning "cool" (the short-lived "heavy" in Back to the Future from the 80s maybe?). Perhaps a diplomatic revolution, with a world government.... world currency... world peace.
It's 2008. Disease, death, murder, terrorism, war. World economies are falling. Leaders are abusing powers. Elections are rigged, dictators are hanged by other dictators. Mortars in Tel Aviv. Housing values plummet, the gap between the middle class and the aristocrats have expanded.
And Chan Ho Park can't sign autographs in China.
What's this world coming to? More later tonight.
The promised update of this post might not make sense. I'm drunk.
It appears to me though, running with the primary idea of the above... that even though back in the early 90s we thought the turn of the century would be some major cultural, diplomatic, and technological change. Instead people are still driving the smog-vomiting cars (im to blame... 95 5.0 mustang gt). For the past 19 years the United States has had 2 names in the White House, Bush and Clinton. How much does it cost to win the presidency of the United States? It costs a shit load. Who has a shitload? The richest in the country. And let's face it the richest in the country do not know the needs of the majority of the country. The only difference between the United States and the Roman Empire is that power doesn't ring down from father to son. Haha well.... maybe not?
The world is run by money. Any shmo knows that. You won't see flying cars using solar energy because the deals presidents and prime ministers have made with the oil rich countries. New Jersey alone can make trillions in corn-based ethanol gasoline for cars, but it will never see those dollars because the handshakes with the Saudi sheiks. Plants in the Amazon rainforest with the ability to cure AIDS are demolished acre by acre every day because of the needs for logging.... and the needs for drug companies to make their money making synthetic medications making survival roughly a roll of the dice, and those with the monetary abilities to roll those di.
Am I depressing you yet?
I'm depressing myself. And it took me forever to type this shit-faced.
Good night. And Good luck.
It's 2008. Disease, death, murder, terrorism, war. World economies are falling. Leaders are abusing powers. Elections are rigged, dictators are hanged by other dictators. Mortars in Tel Aviv. Housing values plummet, the gap between the middle class and the aristocrats have expanded.
And Chan Ho Park can't sign autographs in China.
What's this world coming to? More later tonight.
The promised update of this post might not make sense. I'm drunk.
It appears to me though, running with the primary idea of the above... that even though back in the early 90s we thought the turn of the century would be some major cultural, diplomatic, and technological change. Instead people are still driving the smog-vomiting cars (im to blame... 95 5.0 mustang gt). For the past 19 years the United States has had 2 names in the White House, Bush and Clinton. How much does it cost to win the presidency of the United States? It costs a shit load. Who has a shitload? The richest in the country. And let's face it the richest in the country do not know the needs of the majority of the country. The only difference between the United States and the Roman Empire is that power doesn't ring down from father to son. Haha well.... maybe not?
The world is run by money. Any shmo knows that. You won't see flying cars using solar energy because the deals presidents and prime ministers have made with the oil rich countries. New Jersey alone can make trillions in corn-based ethanol gasoline for cars, but it will never see those dollars because the handshakes with the Saudi sheiks. Plants in the Amazon rainforest with the ability to cure AIDS are demolished acre by acre every day because of the needs for logging.... and the needs for drug companies to make their money making synthetic medications making survival roughly a roll of the dice, and those with the monetary abilities to roll those di.
Am I depressing you yet?
I'm depressing myself. And it took me forever to type this shit-faced.
Good night. And Good luck.
at skaters choice??
I'M SORRY!!!! haha i went to ac the night before...and i didnt get home until 6 and then had work at 9 so i passed out last night at 730!! i really wanted to go too