We're going to North Korea.
One way or another... An ancient cold war treaty with South Korea has the United States pledging 500,000 ground, air, and naval troops for any war regarding the North. Would there be a draft? With wars going on in Afghanistan, Iraq, and having a large number of active troops securing the border from those terrorist maniacle Mexicans, we're stretched awfully thin. So thin you can see through it. I believe if an all-out war with the North started there would be a draft... but it would be a sugarcoated word like "obligatory volunteerism".
The only way we would get out of sending thousands of red-blooded Americans to their death is if China stayed neutral. We can beat Russia, they don't have the mighty military they once did. But let us stop for a second.
Kim-Jong-il is one crazy mother fucker. He doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to aggression with other countries like every other politician. He doesn't hint towards "other options", he comes right out and says that if you impose sanctions on my country we will declare war. I'm not concerned about a missile hitting the United States, they have potato shooters for missle launchers... Japan is who I'm worried about (aren't I passionate?). North Korea to Japan is like Cuba to America, we're hostile and too close for comfort. One of their smaller missles and a pinch of sarin gas... yuck.
What the United States has to do is make sure they have the backing of WILLING coalition forces before calling Jong's bluff. Putin isn't going to do anything. China isn't going to do anything either. They don't think he's got the huevos to fire a missle at any Allied interest. That's where I think the key is. Make sure you got Britain, Japan, France, Germany on your side and call the bluff. If they fire a missle no one will get hurt because it will have been intercepted before it even left the silo. Upon hearing about this declaration of war, Russia and China will be too stunned to even accept his actions. China will realize that a good percent of their economic explosion in the past decade is because of the United States and they will denounce anything the North does. Russia will realize that it would be them and this 4-foot nothing wacko against the world and condemn the North's actions.
On a sidenote... Im not NEARLY as liberal as I thought I was. Hell I could fit in on Fox News right now...
America's problem is that we're the big brother. We are damned if we do something and damned if we don't do something. Haiti had a coup e tat (spell check that shit) in 2004 I believe and the country was basically running wild. I think some French soldiers and a whole bunch of Marines went down to keep order. The Haitians threw a rock at a Marine and the Marine shot the man dead thinking it was a grenade at first. The world cries how horrible we are.... If we didn't help the Haitians (who I love btw) we would've been criticized.
It's late. I lost all track of any thoughts.
Vote Dukakis.
One way or another... An ancient cold war treaty with South Korea has the United States pledging 500,000 ground, air, and naval troops for any war regarding the North. Would there be a draft? With wars going on in Afghanistan, Iraq, and having a large number of active troops securing the border from those terrorist maniacle Mexicans, we're stretched awfully thin. So thin you can see through it. I believe if an all-out war with the North started there would be a draft... but it would be a sugarcoated word like "obligatory volunteerism".
The only way we would get out of sending thousands of red-blooded Americans to their death is if China stayed neutral. We can beat Russia, they don't have the mighty military they once did. But let us stop for a second.
Kim-Jong-il is one crazy mother fucker. He doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to aggression with other countries like every other politician. He doesn't hint towards "other options", he comes right out and says that if you impose sanctions on my country we will declare war. I'm not concerned about a missile hitting the United States, they have potato shooters for missle launchers... Japan is who I'm worried about (aren't I passionate?). North Korea to Japan is like Cuba to America, we're hostile and too close for comfort. One of their smaller missles and a pinch of sarin gas... yuck.
What the United States has to do is make sure they have the backing of WILLING coalition forces before calling Jong's bluff. Putin isn't going to do anything. China isn't going to do anything either. They don't think he's got the huevos to fire a missle at any Allied interest. That's where I think the key is. Make sure you got Britain, Japan, France, Germany on your side and call the bluff. If they fire a missle no one will get hurt because it will have been intercepted before it even left the silo. Upon hearing about this declaration of war, Russia and China will be too stunned to even accept his actions. China will realize that a good percent of their economic explosion in the past decade is because of the United States and they will denounce anything the North does. Russia will realize that it would be them and this 4-foot nothing wacko against the world and condemn the North's actions.
On a sidenote... Im not NEARLY as liberal as I thought I was. Hell I could fit in on Fox News right now...

America's problem is that we're the big brother. We are damned if we do something and damned if we don't do something. Haiti had a coup e tat (spell check that shit) in 2004 I believe and the country was basically running wild. I think some French soldiers and a whole bunch of Marines went down to keep order. The Haitians threw a rock at a Marine and the Marine shot the man dead thinking it was a grenade at first. The world cries how horrible we are.... If we didn't help the Haitians (who I love btw) we would've been criticized.
It's late. I lost all track of any thoughts.
Vote Dukakis.