going under tomorrow. chance of not coming back.
heard it's like dying. like deep dreamless sleep. where the formless is the only true reality. a place where no singular or plural exsists. where You and I are One in the same. it's just a knee. it's just a shoulder. but if no return is possible. know this......
we are what we think.
all that we are arises with our thoughts.
with our thoughts we make the world.
speak or act with an impure mind
and trouble will follow you
as the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
we are what we think.
all that we are arises with our thoughts.
with our thoughts we make the world.
speak or act with a pure mind
and happiness will follow you
as your shadow, unshakable.
don't worry.
be happy.
peace and love to all.
heard it's like dying. like deep dreamless sleep. where the formless is the only true reality. a place where no singular or plural exsists. where You and I are One in the same. it's just a knee. it's just a shoulder. but if no return is possible. know this......
we are what we think.
all that we are arises with our thoughts.
with our thoughts we make the world.
speak or act with an impure mind
and trouble will follow you
as the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
we are what we think.
all that we are arises with our thoughts.
with our thoughts we make the world.
speak or act with a pure mind
and happiness will follow you
as your shadow, unshakable.
don't worry.

be happy.

peace and love to all.
I certainly have no problem with mr buddha, his peace, you, or even with fooling around with the message boards.
I got no problems at all, actually.
just that I need to sleep.