yesterday, i sat in Curry Donuts for over 4 hours with a friend of mine and talked, smoked cigarettes, and drank coffee. It was pretty amazing, made my week almost, haven't done it in a while and its one of the simple pleasures in life that was taken away from me after Jersey banned smoking indoors, and for some reason living in PA where it is legal i never do it. But it's really great sometimes to just talk about everything without freaking out and yelling especially cause i tend to do that sometimes. Just calmly discuss life starting with Thomas Pynchion and ending whenever the camel lights run out.
I strongly recommend that if you're feeling slightly odd and can't pinpoint the reason, go to a dinner or coffee shop and bring cigarettes, menthol if you must, (rolling my eyes) and don't forget someone worth spending time with, and by the time your pack is done you will feel a whole lot better.
and there's some happy advice
I strongly recommend that if you're feeling slightly odd and can't pinpoint the reason, go to a dinner or coffee shop and bring cigarettes, menthol if you must, (rolling my eyes) and don't forget someone worth spending time with, and by the time your pack is done you will feel a whole lot better.
and there's some happy advice
and thank you for the support for American Psycho
I appreciate it so much