I have spent the last two days at home, off work. And it's all my collegues doing. She had mini-mumps, he had flu, they gave it to me. I've lost my voice. My throat kills. My nose is blocked, and I hate it when you can't breathe in and out of your nose first thing in the morning. It drives me insane! Oh and I look like crap. My face has broken out and I look like I've just spent the last two days in bed which is basically what I have done.
My mum and dad have been looking after me though. My mum phoned in for me at work the past two days because I couldn't actually be heard anyway, and my dad took my temperature with his fancy-shmancy hospital thermometer. It can be useful having a nurse for a dad, although sometimes annoying because they know exactly what's wrong and how to treat it and whether or not it warrants days off work. Luckily this did, so he couldn't say anything to make me go to work. And I'm not ill often. The last time I had to have major time off was 3 years ago when I had chicken pox and I couldn't eat or sleep for about two weeks. Actually that's a lie. I lived off mash potato. But the sleep bit was true. I woke up throughout the night having to shower because it was the only time I stopped itching.
Anyhow, other than being ill, I went dancing and don't ache from it. I also went out the night before I became poorly with a whole heap of friends and we all got merry and kissed each other and random men. It was much fun. I love going out with them. Then my friend and I slept on the top bunk in our friends room and wore his shorts and my t-shirts -I gave them to him- to sleep in. Two glam girls in full make-up and boy's clothing. I think someone might have photos but I don't know. We were all too drunk and emotional to care. Then come morning, me and my friend couldn't get off the top bunk so had to physically help each other off them whilst trying not to laugh or fall off and wake the others up. Luckily his house is five minutes away from mine, so we just walked back home to mine, got wolf whistled at by pervy men - why we couldn't understand because we looked like shit, and then put proper clothes on and she went home. I then collapsed on my sofa and watched lots of DVDs and became the ill girl I am today. Oh yeah, and I had a fever. I wasn't delerious though. Although that could have been fun.
My parting word. Herbal cough medicine, medicated blackcurrant flavour Soothers and 3 in 1 allergy/cold/headache tablets are the best concoction ever.
My mum and dad have been looking after me though. My mum phoned in for me at work the past two days because I couldn't actually be heard anyway, and my dad took my temperature with his fancy-shmancy hospital thermometer. It can be useful having a nurse for a dad, although sometimes annoying because they know exactly what's wrong and how to treat it and whether or not it warrants days off work. Luckily this did, so he couldn't say anything to make me go to work. And I'm not ill often. The last time I had to have major time off was 3 years ago when I had chicken pox and I couldn't eat or sleep for about two weeks. Actually that's a lie. I lived off mash potato. But the sleep bit was true. I woke up throughout the night having to shower because it was the only time I stopped itching.
Anyhow, other than being ill, I went dancing and don't ache from it. I also went out the night before I became poorly with a whole heap of friends and we all got merry and kissed each other and random men. It was much fun. I love going out with them. Then my friend and I slept on the top bunk in our friends room and wore his shorts and my t-shirts -I gave them to him- to sleep in. Two glam girls in full make-up and boy's clothing. I think someone might have photos but I don't know. We were all too drunk and emotional to care. Then come morning, me and my friend couldn't get off the top bunk so had to physically help each other off them whilst trying not to laugh or fall off and wake the others up. Luckily his house is five minutes away from mine, so we just walked back home to mine, got wolf whistled at by pervy men - why we couldn't understand because we looked like shit, and then put proper clothes on and she went home. I then collapsed on my sofa and watched lots of DVDs and became the ill girl I am today. Oh yeah, and I had a fever. I wasn't delerious though. Although that could have been fun.
My parting word. Herbal cough medicine, medicated blackcurrant flavour Soothers and 3 in 1 allergy/cold/headache tablets are the best concoction ever.

let's make it a meet then
if you are online come msn me turbo_pout@hotmail.com