I think I'm going to take all my piercings out, bar one and my normal ear piercings. I mean I do love my piercings, but at the moment, I have to keep on taking one of them out and another I've had for ages, but I just don't want it in anymore. It's the end of an era for me. I do love them, but just feel that it's time for me to move on from that stage of my life. And anyway, I'm making up for it by getting more tattoos
. Go to view the drawing next weekend. Hooray!!
Now I have to go do an essay on 1950's period make-up. It's fun. Oooooo, and I found out I can get a discount at MAC Cosmetics yesterday!!!!!! How amazingly amazing?!?!

Now I have to go do an essay on 1950's period make-up. It's fun. Oooooo, and I found out I can get a discount at MAC Cosmetics yesterday!!!!!! How amazingly amazing?!?!

Camping ticket is 22.50. Think it'll wortk out cheaper than hotelling it, and also we'll have to sort out getting to and from the hotels too. Lots of taxi fare
. Whatdya reckon?

K. I'll do it soon cause I don't have the money at the moment