Way too many personal issues going on, but doesn't it feel so good when you finally get rid of someone from your life? Someone that everyone told you was bad for you and you knew was bad for you.
Time to move on and forget the fuckass.
Oh, listen to Piney Gir's version of 'My Generation'. It kicks serious ass. So does the whole album, and the whole Death From Above 1979 album. And Head Automatica. And Snoop Dogg. And I think Pharrell is hawt and belongs in my bed, naked and, yeah, I'll just go now
Time to move on and forget the fuckass.
Oh, listen to Piney Gir's version of 'My Generation'. It kicks serious ass. So does the whole album, and the whole Death From Above 1979 album. And Head Automatica. And Snoop Dogg. And I think Pharrell is hawt and belongs in my bed, naked and, yeah, I'll just go now

Right. No update for aaages. I hope you are ok darling. Next week when I get back you will come round to mine to play and eat pizza and watch Airheads because it's funny. So funny you'll forget all about your shit and pray to god that you can be reincarnated in the late eighties and wear ripped sleeved t shirts. Rock n fucking roll! xXx