My life gets good and then I get the heartbreaking news that my Grampie (grandad) is going to die. It's so hard for me to cope with this. Him and Meme (my grandmother), have been the pillars holding up the entire family. And we are all such a close family. I can't stop crying whenever I think about it. I don't know what to do. I love him so much. He's been around my whole life and I just don't want him to go even though I know it's the best thing. I just don't want to hurt as much as I do. It's ripping my heart to pieces. No emotion can describe how I feel right now. My mum is being so strong. I feel like I have to be strong for her as well, but I just can't. I think about it and break down.
And by the way, the DJ has called or texted me ever since we swapped numbers. That's the only happy part in this story.
I just want this pain to be taken away.
And by the way, the DJ has called or texted me ever since we swapped numbers. That's the only happy part in this story.
I just want this pain to be taken away.
ps.. i am in