I call this meeting to order. I currently have two items on the agenda in my head. More may be added as I go on.
Item number one - it has been bought to my attention that a few comments were left on here regarding my ever so fabulous tattoo. I thank you and love you all!! You were so kind to meeeeee Pour vous.
Item number two - I need -coughs- victims -coughs-, um, I mean models/clients to ractise my make-up skills on. Anybody that isn't too far away, please contact me. I need pictures for my portfolio. Any kind of look, I'll try my darndest to do on you. And my course is in Fashion and Photographic Make-Up for those of you who either didn't know or forgot, so I will be eventually needing work in the fashion and photographic industries. So yeah, leave a comment or e-mail me.
Item number three - see I told you there would be more than two iems on this agenda, anyway, where was I, aah yes. I am currently indulging in my French-ness and will learn fluent French from my grandmother I've decided. Tis a beautiful language and could come in handy in quite a few places. And if you didn't know Jaqueline is a French name, well it's the French spelling I have anyway.
Item number four - I'm going to be a model soon. Everybody cheer! -listens out for distant cheer- My funky t-shirts and knickers from zero boutique should be here any day now. I get excited at work and then disappointed when I come home to find they're not here. When they do get here you will know about it.
Item number five - I was about to write Item number four again , put your hand up if you want me to apply to be a Suicide Girl.
Item number six - my back is really really really itchy and I can't stop listening to Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. My back is currently raining scabs. It's gross but funny at the same time.
So those are the items on the agenda at this weeks meeting. Next week, how to make porn with the help of the Hustler Porn School. Oh yes, it's real and costs 3000+
Why pay that money when you cna make it for free? Paris Hilton-dom, here I come
Item number one - it has been bought to my attention that a few comments were left on here regarding my ever so fabulous tattoo. I thank you and love you all!! You were so kind to meeeeee Pour vous.
Item number two - I need -coughs- victims -coughs-, um, I mean models/clients to ractise my make-up skills on. Anybody that isn't too far away, please contact me. I need pictures for my portfolio. Any kind of look, I'll try my darndest to do on you. And my course is in Fashion and Photographic Make-Up for those of you who either didn't know or forgot, so I will be eventually needing work in the fashion and photographic industries. So yeah, leave a comment or e-mail me.
Item number three - see I told you there would be more than two iems on this agenda, anyway, where was I, aah yes. I am currently indulging in my French-ness and will learn fluent French from my grandmother I've decided. Tis a beautiful language and could come in handy in quite a few places. And if you didn't know Jaqueline is a French name, well it's the French spelling I have anyway.
Item number four - I'm going to be a model soon. Everybody cheer! -listens out for distant cheer- My funky t-shirts and knickers from zero boutique should be here any day now. I get excited at work and then disappointed when I come home to find they're not here. When they do get here you will know about it.
Item number five - I was about to write Item number four again , put your hand up if you want me to apply to be a Suicide Girl.
Item number six - my back is really really really itchy and I can't stop listening to Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. My back is currently raining scabs. It's gross but funny at the same time.
So those are the items on the agenda at this weeks meeting. Next week, how to make porn with the help of the Hustler Porn School. Oh yes, it's real and costs 3000+
Why pay that money when you cna make it for free? Paris Hilton-dom, here I come
Both my hands are firmly raised for number 5... For some reason that sounds like a dodgy comment when I read it back...
you going to the french? yes is very good i'm power to meet you? big kiss