I officially hate moshpits. Last night some idiot decided to literally knock me off my feet and as a result I now have a seriously fucked left arm. I jarred it from my wrist to my elbow. It pains me to type this now, but I can't live without my computer. It even hurts when I try to dress myself - my mum had to help me button up my trousers. It's that bad.
The funny thing is as well, I wasn't even in the moshpit. I was as far away from it as you could have imagined. I also thought initially I'd broken my wrist/arm, because I fell straight onto the palm of my hand and twisted. But all I've done is tear some muscle, as well as jarring it, which still fucking hurts like you would never believe. Thank fuck there are at least some nice people in this world, who can understand that when a girl doesn't get up off the floor when she's been knocked over is injured, and they actually ask you if you can get up and if you're okay, and then proceed to help you up because you can't get up by yourself. To those people I am indebted to.
But to those fuckwits who think it's fun to throw themselves full throttle at a girl half their size - FUCK YOU!!!!
Oh and this was at a club as well, not a gig.
The funny thing is as well, I wasn't even in the moshpit. I was as far away from it as you could have imagined. I also thought initially I'd broken my wrist/arm, because I fell straight onto the palm of my hand and twisted. But all I've done is tear some muscle, as well as jarring it, which still fucking hurts like you would never believe. Thank fuck there are at least some nice people in this world, who can understand that when a girl doesn't get up off the floor when she's been knocked over is injured, and they actually ask you if you can get up and if you're okay, and then proceed to help you up because you can't get up by yourself. To those people I am indebted to.
But to those fuckwits who think it's fun to throw themselves full throttle at a girl half their size - FUCK YOU!!!!

Oh and this was at a club as well, not a gig.
And also stop hitting girls.