and now for something completely different...
again im on the net, whooop, just discussing the fact with a friend that i've recently turned into miss garbage guts but seem to be not putting any weight on...junk food all the way!!!
although i dont want to become like the guy from 'supersize me', havent seen the film yet, but really want to and have read about it, how gross and fucked up was that?!?!
im getting scared now, 8 days til my results
holy shit im crapping it, i want to know them and i dont want to know them, its sooooo frustrating. i just want to know if i've gotten into uni or not, and can do my chosen course of film studies...which is my life, i must say.
well, velvet revolver are keeping me entertained and my mind off everything and so is the huge fluffy cloud outside my window that looks like a hedgehog on a bouncy castle - not a good combination if you ask me, i can envision big bangs and deflation
what weird shapes have people seen in clouds before? xx
again im on the net, whooop, just discussing the fact with a friend that i've recently turned into miss garbage guts but seem to be not putting any weight on...junk food all the way!!!

im getting scared now, 8 days til my results

well, velvet revolver are keeping me entertained and my mind off everything and so is the huge fluffy cloud outside my window that looks like a hedgehog on a bouncy castle - not a good combination if you ask me, i can envision big bangs and deflation

what weird shapes have people seen in clouds before? xx
oooh alsorts. But right now I dont seem to do much at all. Other than surf the net and get excited about tattoos. I am too poor to do anythign else. DAMN IT!!!!
do it. live a little. tattoos are investments!!!
what you after/ i know some good studios!