im in the mood to sing happy birthday, i dont know why, i just am, wierd i know.
im planning my next tattoo, well next two tattoos, one to go on my neck/back and the other to go...well, you'll find out soon enough. i really need to stop the habit of coming on the internet, i am seriously addicted, but i guess that's what happens when you have a heap of spare time on your hands and nothing to do.
speaking of which, im lacking in one area of my life, all i will say is easter, you can decide the rest. and Anton, ive put some new pictures up just for you to stop your nagging, hehe, joking. now we can talk politics and philosophy!!
ooo, im going to london on friday for a couple of days, yay!!
will see my sister and her boyfriend and it'l be great.
speaking of her boyfriend, i will now advertise his awesome tshirts - if you live in the uk and anywhere near selfridges, buy the tshirts from the Hellfire Cartel label, they are amazing and my sis's man is a part of the 3 guys that design and make them...and if you dont live in the uk or near where they are sold, start pestering your local shops to sell them, they are really worth the money!!! only in men's sizes for now, and i will get pictures of them up on my pics soon so you guys can see how rad they are!!
enough advertising now, and i shall leave you all in peace ciao xxx
im planning my next tattoo, well next two tattoos, one to go on my neck/back and the other to go...well, you'll find out soon enough. i really need to stop the habit of coming on the internet, i am seriously addicted, but i guess that's what happens when you have a heap of spare time on your hands and nothing to do.
speaking of which, im lacking in one area of my life, all i will say is easter, you can decide the rest. and Anton, ive put some new pictures up just for you to stop your nagging, hehe, joking. now we can talk politics and philosophy!!
ooo, im going to london on friday for a couple of days, yay!!

speaking of her boyfriend, i will now advertise his awesome tshirts - if you live in the uk and anywhere near selfridges, buy the tshirts from the Hellfire Cartel label, they are amazing and my sis's man is a part of the 3 guys that design and make them...and if you dont live in the uk or near where they are sold, start pestering your local shops to sell them, they are really worth the money!!! only in men's sizes for now, and i will get pictures of them up on my pics soon so you guys can see how rad they are!!
enough advertising now, and i shall leave you all in peace ciao xxx

i especially like the last one