urgh. i got too drunk at the wedding we went to on friday. you cant really blame me though, the place was full of bitches and arseholes. seriously. i dont even know the people that got married, the groom is one of marks friends whom he works with, and up until friday, i'd never even met him before. it wasnt all bad though. mark, tony and i, kept our selves to ourself and basically sat in the corner getting more and more wrecked as the night went on. we left around 1am and went to a bar and drank even more. i definitely paid for it on saturday, and even sunday! saturday we go out of bed around 4pm'ish and then went to go see the new joaquin movie 'the village' i have to say that it was quite good. it wasnt great or anything, but it kept us two hungover bitches amused. sunday...i cant even remember....oh wait, we stayed in bed again till late, and then hung out by the t.v all day. god, my life is so exciting that i just cant take it, hehe. nah, i love it though really. heres a list of what i drank. i havent a fucking clue what mark was drinking so i wont even go there.
6 bottles of bud
4 southern comforts with sprite [fucking EWW]
4 1/2 shots of black label
4 vodka and tonics
and one glass of champagne
anndd, i just heaved as i was writing that. gross. here's a pic of the drunken us being too lovey dovey at the wedding.

6 bottles of bud
4 southern comforts with sprite [fucking EWW]
4 1/2 shots of black label
4 vodka and tonics
and one glass of champagne
anndd, i just heaved as i was writing that. gross. here's a pic of the drunken us being too lovey dovey at the wedding.

Hope you saw the ceremony from beggining to end...It was really something else,very emotional and really special. We are all proud of it.
(and the medals are not bad too)
Two medals yesterday, a gold at synchronized diving and a bronze at weightlifting...So, an new trend for kids here,synchronized diving.Thats nice...
Hope to c u soon...
Take care
September is around the corner!!!
Are U on your way here?
Big kiss!