Wednesday Jun 30, 2004 Jun 30, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Whoa. I think I have a crush on Ashlee Fucking Simpson. I cant stop watching the repeats of her show. She's so cute and pretty. WTF yo?!? Whatever. VIEW 25 of 28 COMMENTS hellynn: shes cute but her voice has to go. Her sister is not much better. Jul 20, 2004 lucky7: Haha she is damn cute! She got all the looks in that family I'll have to give you a ring soon. This Sat I'm having a get together at my house for Joe's b-day! I'd love if you & Mark could make it up I'm not sure what time yet. Jul 22, 2004
I'll have to give you a ring soon. This Sat I'm having a get together at my house for Joe's b-day! I'd love if you & Mark could make it up