The day after Lester concert!!! That Was Great!!! The Greatest We've Ever Done!!!! I was full charged like a brand new battery!!! I would play all night long!!! Unfortunately at the moment I don't have any picture of yesterday night but I'll post them as soon as I can, because I wanna show you how I was during the live...I can only anticipate you the I played wearing The Lester Bangs t-shirt (as always) and a Kilt instead on my beloved dark blue jeans!!! I was fantastic
I've to wait to post the photos because of they were done by a photographer friends of mine that at the moment is at home choosing the best ones....
and now some pics of my brand new bass...I sold my kidney to buy it...

Isn't it wonderful??? I'm lovin' it!!!

I've to wait to post the photos because of they were done by a photographer friends of mine that at the moment is at home choosing the best ones....
and now some pics of my brand new bass...I sold my kidney to buy it...

Isn't it wonderful??? I'm lovin' it!!!

grassie....x la sto lavorando un o su....
Thats cause they're not a well known band but they are awesome