Have you ever just realised it was time to let things go? Not people but things. What good is it for a person to fulfill a request if it's something you are forcing them to do? With children you have to do this because you are forming them this is how they learn boundaries and what's acceptable and not. But as adults in our friendships and relationships should we sit here and ask others to do things to make us feel good, to make us happy, to validate our existence? I am currently struggling with this. I always feel the need to hear "I love you" "you are my only" "I want nothing more than you". I am not just talking from a significant other I find myself wanting this in all my relationships. I am learning these are things I only want to hear when they are meant, not because I asked for them. I need to pour me into me not into others so they respond to me. I need to love me I need want me I need to be my only. Funny thing is it is a great feeling!! A burden lifted. Focus on me and be me most importantly love me!
You got this.