not much is new...going to see thrice tonight at the electric factory in philly =D
and I left a comment on the Sleeping's myspace page about the Biker Woman and their performance (at the hoodwink) and how I was a little sad they didn't play any songs and they fucking wrote back to me! I don't know I just think that's awesome. then I replied to them and they wrote back again =D maybe i'll make friends with them and get VIP backstage passes and shit...woo!!
wow not much else going on except trying to finish school...and extreme procrastination setting in.
work has been kind of sucky. made $40 at lunch yesterday =/ but i'm working mother's day..that should be insane.
and i've been getting some really nice comments on my set trickling in here and there which is awesome. I don't even know how people are coming across the pictures since its buried like 20 some pages back in the member review section.
but my new set should be submitted sometime in the near future (hope hope!)
and now for some boobs!

and I left a comment on the Sleeping's myspace page about the Biker Woman and their performance (at the hoodwink) and how I was a little sad they didn't play any songs and they fucking wrote back to me! I don't know I just think that's awesome. then I replied to them and they wrote back again =D maybe i'll make friends with them and get VIP backstage passes and shit...woo!!
wow not much else going on except trying to finish school...and extreme procrastination setting in.
work has been kind of sucky. made $40 at lunch yesterday =/ but i'm working mother's day..that should be insane.
and i've been getting some really nice comments on my set trickling in here and there which is awesome. I don't even know how people are coming across the pictures since its buried like 20 some pages back in the member review section.

but my new set should be submitted sometime in the near future (hope hope!)
and now for some boobs!

got tons of pics, just cant upload them cos im at work and id get fired, hopefully gonna get my internet reconnected soon though. x x
yay for boobies! (which are lovely by the way)