this is great, thanks jenn!
experience project
i was watching the Golden Compass last night. alone. er.. with my dog. i was crying with joy. i do so long for an armored bear all my own. i haven't had a crush this hard on an on screen animated aminal since alvin from the chipmunks. god i cried when i found out he wasn't real.
hmm. i read my horoscope every day. i think advice is important. even if it isn't real- yahoo never tells me anything harmful. it's always good advice. i love you yahoo horoscope. but it's confusing when i eat a fortune cookie AND read my yahoo horoscope. don't even get me started on eating more than one fortune cookie either.
i saw a suspicious looking package under the seat on the train today. i didn't report it. i sat in the seat with the bag under it. it was a full plastic bag tied up tight that said thank you in big stupid red ink. like the ones that come with chinese take-out. it really wasn't that suspicious at all. it was just alone. unattended. but i sat in the seat just in case. because some mornings it's just hard to get up. you gotta keep things interesting to stay awake. last words: "thank you! come again!"
me and my man friend, my gentleman caller, my boo are gonna have a romantic weekend together. we'll make some music paint a bit and go to a museum. if anything good comes of it i'll post up some of our werk.
hugs and kisses,
this is great, thanks jenn!
experience project
i was watching the Golden Compass last night. alone. er.. with my dog. i was crying with joy. i do so long for an armored bear all my own. i haven't had a crush this hard on an on screen animated aminal since alvin from the chipmunks. god i cried when i found out he wasn't real.
hmm. i read my horoscope every day. i think advice is important. even if it isn't real- yahoo never tells me anything harmful. it's always good advice. i love you yahoo horoscope. but it's confusing when i eat a fortune cookie AND read my yahoo horoscope. don't even get me started on eating more than one fortune cookie either.
i saw a suspicious looking package under the seat on the train today. i didn't report it. i sat in the seat with the bag under it. it was a full plastic bag tied up tight that said thank you in big stupid red ink. like the ones that come with chinese take-out. it really wasn't that suspicious at all. it was just alone. unattended. but i sat in the seat just in case. because some mornings it's just hard to get up. you gotta keep things interesting to stay awake. last words: "thank you! come again!"
me and my man friend, my gentleman caller, my boo are gonna have a romantic weekend together. we'll make some music paint a bit and go to a museum. if anything good comes of it i'll post up some of our werk.
hugs and kisses,

My horoscope is usually totally full of shit depending on where I read it.