Come to this art show. My art will be there. and they're having a listening party for my cd. Screen printed with cool artwork, limited edition cds will be available at the show. and there will be boobies. not mine though. i'm going to try to keep my clothes on. for once.
Press Release:
The Feminine Oddities
Feminine Oddities LLC, joins forces with Jenny Oh Promotions, for a one night stand of art, music, and more titled "The Feminine Oddities". Feminine Oddities LLC was formed by emerging artist and performer Debra Haden to showcase her many talents and the talents of others. The mission and inspiration of this company is derived from the term Wabi-Sabi. It's an understated beauty that is striking but not obvious, it is imperfect, incomplete and should be treasured because it will not last forever . Feminine Oddities "Where beauty is found in the oddest ways."
Debra Haden, Mary Macker, Christina Amezquita, Bryan Barnes, Maryna, Shannon Donnelly, Andrea Whitt Viola, Dali Polivka, Emily Steigerwald, Teresa Moore
Performances by:
The music of FALLOPIAN!!, a listening party for White Mary's new album, a burlesque tease and more!
One night only art and performance extravaganza featuring a variety of artwork by female and male artists that love women, tossing in an all girl band, some tease, and oh my! 18 and older- this show does contain adult content and partial nudity. The boys will love to look upon it, and the beautiful girls will want to shake to it. Prepare yourselves for a night of odd naughty girl fun!
February 1st, 2008 doors open at 8pm-1am. Performances start at 9:00pm. $10 suggested donation at the door. Free wine / bar.
1049 e. 32nd st.
los angeles, ca 90011
zero-point is a new arts warehouse in sodo (south downtown) started by previous proprietress of il corral christie scott, soundman stane hubert, and partner in sound matt howell.
zero-point is interested in hosting/fostering experiments in the expressive disciplines: visual arts, music/sound, and word-based arts form the three ring 'circle acts', or the structure for the 'art circus' - salon style rowdiness.

I wish I could go 

L.A. is so not close to North Carolina, last I checked, but I will ask my sexy cousin to go in my place (since she lives where you are). I would have loved to go. Good luck, sell a lot of stuff, aural and visual.