little things ...
1) today, if it was within a 12 foot radius, i ran into it. walls, cars, doors, cake. yah. kinda glad i ran into the cake, though.
2) i like my hair better straight. sure, it takes a good 4 hours to do properly and it is killing my hair, but ... it lets me pretend that i was born with lovely straight hair like every other asian girl and not this crazy mess of curls. ah well ... all i need now is a gaggle of asian girlfriends, a sorority that essentially does nothing, and an annoying shuffly walk. then i can truly celebrate my 100% Philippino heritage! mahal kita ...
3) it took me 26 years to move out on my own (okay, with my brother). that and the fact that it took me 7 years to graduate from UT ... yah, i think this makes me only about 23 or 24 in "real-life" years. right? right??
4) why ... can't ... i ... get ... up ... early ... enough ... to ... RUN ANYMORE?!?!? this is ridiculous. i've got 2 alarms set, all the gadgets, shoes, Naproxen for my back, and way cool blue Puma gym bag. i even have some leftover Xenadrine, should i be looking for a post-run stroke. but no ... it's snooze (and ... snooze) every morning until Mugs starts taking swipes at my face. and then it's always 6:48 AM and bright as hell ... motherf*cker.
5) the temps at work are ... women. i mean ... i feel like a man (must feel) around them all of the time. like, i never know what mood they will be in. sometimes they think i'm funny and nice. sometimes i swear they think i am the devil. moody moody moody. i will walk in and say hello and they won't even respond. then 2 hours later, they're all, "we brought cake! want some cake?!?" it's not as though i give them work to do ... heck i was in there to do the work myself. it's very confusing. do i bring them cookies and hope to win them over? or do i just be mean and make them do as much of my work as possible? yah ... i think we all know what i will do ...
6) i think big expensive weddings are the most ridiculous waste of money ever. if you have the money and patience to wait and preciously plan something like that for 2 years ... you know, to pin the fulfillment of some childhood dream on one day ... then party on, wayne. but that's just not how i roll. if it ever happens for me, it will be drive-thru Vegas or (if he wants) something nice and personal and different. no groom's cake and centerpieces and dress-you'll-only-wear once and registry at Target (what the f?). i don't know. to each his own. and i will enjoy any wedding i'm invited to ... i just won't understand.
7) rereading books is always fun. i'm rereading Coupland's Hey Nostradamus now. oh, how i love it.
8) that's all the random crap i got. [insert obligatory apology here].
and just like that, it's midnight. let's see if i can get up and run in 4 hours.
turning Japanese.
1) today, if it was within a 12 foot radius, i ran into it. walls, cars, doors, cake. yah. kinda glad i ran into the cake, though.
2) i like my hair better straight. sure, it takes a good 4 hours to do properly and it is killing my hair, but ... it lets me pretend that i was born with lovely straight hair like every other asian girl and not this crazy mess of curls. ah well ... all i need now is a gaggle of asian girlfriends, a sorority that essentially does nothing, and an annoying shuffly walk. then i can truly celebrate my 100% Philippino heritage! mahal kita ...
3) it took me 26 years to move out on my own (okay, with my brother). that and the fact that it took me 7 years to graduate from UT ... yah, i think this makes me only about 23 or 24 in "real-life" years. right? right??
4) why ... can't ... i ... get ... up ... early ... enough ... to ... RUN ANYMORE?!?!? this is ridiculous. i've got 2 alarms set, all the gadgets, shoes, Naproxen for my back, and way cool blue Puma gym bag. i even have some leftover Xenadrine, should i be looking for a post-run stroke. but no ... it's snooze (and ... snooze) every morning until Mugs starts taking swipes at my face. and then it's always 6:48 AM and bright as hell ... motherf*cker.
5) the temps at work are ... women. i mean ... i feel like a man (must feel) around them all of the time. like, i never know what mood they will be in. sometimes they think i'm funny and nice. sometimes i swear they think i am the devil. moody moody moody. i will walk in and say hello and they won't even respond. then 2 hours later, they're all, "we brought cake! want some cake?!?" it's not as though i give them work to do ... heck i was in there to do the work myself. it's very confusing. do i bring them cookies and hope to win them over? or do i just be mean and make them do as much of my work as possible? yah ... i think we all know what i will do ...
6) i think big expensive weddings are the most ridiculous waste of money ever. if you have the money and patience to wait and preciously plan something like that for 2 years ... you know, to pin the fulfillment of some childhood dream on one day ... then party on, wayne. but that's just not how i roll. if it ever happens for me, it will be drive-thru Vegas or (if he wants) something nice and personal and different. no groom's cake and centerpieces and dress-you'll-only-wear once and registry at Target (what the f?). i don't know. to each his own. and i will enjoy any wedding i'm invited to ... i just won't understand.
7) rereading books is always fun. i'm rereading Coupland's Hey Nostradamus now. oh, how i love it.
8) that's all the random crap i got. [insert obligatory apology here].
and just like that, it's midnight. let's see if i can get up and run in 4 hours.
turning Japanese.

I was going to, and the Holy Rollers are my favorite team too, but I got an off duty job I couldn't pass up. I'll be sitting on FM 620 S from 7:30 pm to 6:30 am doing nothing but blocking traffic with my car for big $.
Let me know how it goes.

So, did you guys go to roller derby. Tell me it sucked, was boring and I'm lucky I couldn't go.