minor set-back today, but a soldier marches on.
if you would pardon a little angst this evening ...
i am getting that familiar, "why can't i just be like everyone else?" feeling tonight. i hate that.
most of the time, i am grateful for all of the things that make me different.
so screw it! the positivity train keeps-a-rollin! i'm gonna go do something very me
there you go. complete mood upswing in 60 seconds or less. i rock.

if you would pardon a little angst this evening ...
i am getting that familiar, "why can't i just be like everyone else?" feeling tonight. i hate that.
most of the time, i am grateful for all of the things that make me different.
so screw it! the positivity train keeps-a-rollin! i'm gonna go do something very me

there you go. complete mood upswing in 60 seconds or less. i rock.
i recommend naked peek-a-chures to be posted here, so that we may ooh and aah over how loverly you are, hence boosting your confidence.