So this afternoon while in the garden I hear alot of chirping going on in the trees, I look up and sitting on the telephone wire behind our house are a bunch of these birds, so I run and get my camera and I'm glad I did.... because I look to the neighbours tree and what I mistook for flowers are actually birds!
Tons of Southern Red Bishop males flying around attracting females!! Breeding season has begun! I actually wikipedia'd what kind of birds these were as there were dozens!! Couldn't believe my luck! It was beautiful!
Well apparently these beauties are polygynous, taking on up to several mates!! I thought someone might find this interesting as these species of birds are only found in South Africa, Kenya, Angola and the DRC.
If you look really closely you can see the females in the branches, there feathers are brown so they are pretty camouflaged against the branches.....
Well, also here's a pic of me and my SG Bestie @umlilo cause she's awesome :D and we hung out on drinking tea and chatting on Monday after our mini shoot fest :)