After the amazing feedback we have gotten on my practice set with @lalou (visit her profile for some of the photos we shot) Confidence restored!! haha, I was so kicking myself for making some very newbie photography mistakes, but lets move on!!!! Beautiful practice images, lessons learnt and mistakes will NOT be repeated!!! <3
So on that note, I will introduce you to the delightful Roque, she is one of my hopeful recruits and she is just SMOKING!!!! I will be shooting her set this Sunday, very excited about it, and then she will be signing up to the site so we can submit her set into MR! I think she is currently setting up her model profile here on SG :)
Her boyfriend plays for a well known SA band here and she has the CUTEST tattoo on her thigh and back, I really can't wait for you to meet this sweet treat punk rock princess.
Thanks to new friends I've made these past few days, and for support from other SA girls @lunar and @amika can't wait to chat more with you girls!! :)
cheers to growing our little SA community here on SG!! xxx