I wanna thank the wonderful @nannakya for tagging me! It has been so much fun to read these blog posts from others so it’s great to get to participate myself 😁
My real name starts with a J so let’s see what I’ll come up with 😂
Drink - Jägermeister (I used to drink this stuff a lot as a young adult but know I absolutely hate it 🤣)
Place - Japan (would love to visit!)
SG or hopeful - @jhul
Food - Jam
Animal - Jaguar
Girl name - Jane
Boy name - Jack
Profession - Janitor (not the profession of my dreams)
Describe someone - Jealous
Body part - Joint (not sure if they’re really considered body parts 🤷🏻)
I nominate @dizmay @apex @biancab @jhul @mousse (if you have been tagged before or don’t feel like answering, my sincerest apologies!)
Every answer has to start with the first letter of your real name. Using Google is not allowed, just use your brain! 🤓