Hello Friends ang Bloggers!
Today is going to be a great one: having breakfast before to organize everything for my first working day as stylist! For tomorrow everything must be ready: i'm going to create 8 characters/looks and relative make up for an important video clip that i'll show you soon!
I'm a little bit scared even if i'm sure everything will be great! must believe in!!
This is a preview of the dresses i've choose, these are by Flavia Cavalcanti, a great designer!!!
Goodbyeee and let's cross the fingers!! I'll keep you updated!
My latest set
is on Member Review, check it!

Today is going to be a great one: having breakfast before to organize everything for my first working day as stylist! For tomorrow everything must be ready: i'm going to create 8 characters/looks and relative make up for an important video clip that i'll show you soon!

I'm a little bit scared even if i'm sure everything will be great! must believe in!!
This is a preview of the dresses i've choose, these are by Flavia Cavalcanti, a great designer!!!

Goodbyeee and let's cross the fingers!! I'll keep you updated!

My latest set
is on Member Review, check it!

You're also my new inspiration and hero. Just thought I'd let you know. <3