Monday Jul 07, 2003 Jul 7, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Well I've done it. I drove up to the bay area to visit shirley hobag this weekend and came back late last night with a cat. He's black, weighs 20lbs and is named Dracula. I adore him. VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS junker: hey im starting with oil now, you have ant tips? im having a little trouble.i saw it,and will see it again,are you asking? Jul 8, 2003 punkinhead: i just got my first cat - six weeks old, mostly white, I call her Fresh. Perhaps she'll grow up to be the archenemy of Dracula some day. Jul 9, 2003
im starting with oil now, you have ant tips? im having a little trouble.i saw it,and will see it again,are you asking?