Yesterday I had my first ever surgery: LASIK! Laser eye correction that I've been dreaming of for almost my whole life...
As a kid I think I had a good vision. I liked to read book all day long... Then I remember when I went to school I had to move from the very last desk closer and closer to the teacher because I couldn't see anything:( and ended up on the second desk... My parents tried everything to make my vision better - from vitamins and herbals to magnets, physiotherapy and acupuncture. Nothing worked, but at least it didn't get worse. And I started wearing glasses.
By the age of, I guess, 13 I couldn't see numbers of the busses from the bus stop.... I was dreaming that when I turn 18 I will get my eyes fixed. At least then I discovered 1-day contact lenses - thankfully they were comfortable enough for me to wear every day! Since then I started wearing lenses. Years passed till I found lenses that shouldn't be taken off during the night (if you're looking too: PureVision by Bausch&Lomb). It made my life somehow easier, but... only people that are using contacts can understand how it is when you're getting an eyelash stuck under the lens. Or water running through your eyes. Or the "foggy" vision after you've been crying (even a little) or being in a smoky place... I don't even want to remember.
There's so many "scary stories" and rumors about lasik! I was so afraid that I couldn't get back to my usual life and would have some restrictions for the rest of life. And finally this year I decided to do it! I went to the clinic, asked about everything I get my eyes tested. Surprisingly, things were different than I used to think 😆 Difference grade myopia and difference astigmatism.
I chose the FEMTO LASIK option - meaning it's fully laser operated, more precise and less harmful to the eye. I had to save up a lot - the surgery with my -2.75/-4.25D would be $2400 (1900 with a discount) but it's so worth it, cause, you know, its about eyes.
And yesterday I did it, just couple days after I got off the plane from Barcelona shootfest!!!!😱😱 I wasn't scared at all till the moment I went to the operation room. Realizing that surgery success depends on how still I will be laying scared to to death!!!! But that was the worst feeling, the 10-30min surgery (hard to tell) was barely painful.
After I stepped out of the operation room through the tears, swelling and photosensitivity I could clearly feel that... I could finally see!!!! You can only imagine this excitement....
I will not lie, the fist few hours weren't easy. It was painful - not bad enough to take painkillers, more like something stuck in your eyes that you can't fix. Tears were running and I could barely see anything because any light hurt my eyes. This night I spent half awake because I was told I need to sleep strictly on my back which is not comfortable at all.
When I woke up today... I woke up in another world. My eyes didn't hurt at all, just a bit red from the clips. Everything around me was so crispy clear, so bright and felt so real!! Oh how I wish I did this YEARS ago!! This is sure life changing ❤️ Now I just need to give rest to my eyes a bit, use eye drops, hold on with gym and makeup for at least one week and that's it! From the very first day post-op I can use my eyes freely:))) I can see! I can watch stuff)) I can use computer and anything I want.
So if you're struggling with glasses and lenses and you're still in doubt - I suggest you to see your doctor and consider doing LASIK too!❤️❤️ Don't let your weakness steal your pleasure from life❤️❤️