Ok sorry for the protracted absence but I have been BUSY! The new job is pretty full on, the stress of which has only been exacerbated by the trouble over the past few weeks in Timor-Leste...
Anyway, other than work, scrabbling around for food and falling into bed exhasted I have done little of any interest since the Ball.
No action with Canberra boy. Which I'm so pissed about I will even insert an unhappy face emoticon
We spent yet another pleasant, polite and platonic day together. No boy is that shy are they? I have concluded that he is just not interested. The reasons for which are either A. I am hideously repellant. B. He is gay. C. He really is far more nerdy than anyone ever imagined to be possible. As usual I'm inclined to favour option A. Bugger it.
Anyway, other than work, scrabbling around for food and falling into bed exhasted I have done little of any interest since the Ball.
No action with Canberra boy. Which I'm so pissed about I will even insert an unhappy face emoticon

We spent yet another pleasant, polite and platonic day together. No boy is that shy are they? I have concluded that he is just not interested. The reasons for which are either A. I am hideously repellant. B. He is gay. C. He really is far more nerdy than anyone ever imagined to be possible. As usual I'm inclined to favour option A. Bugger it.
Like what morgannahh said... bloody meN!