I started out my journey like we all did, as a hopeful. And if it at times seems unreachable, you got to reach a more positive outlook. When I applied to be a hopeful, I though about it... I had just had my son about 6 months prior, my body had changed a lot & the only reassurance of being beautiful was from myself, and we all know that being humans we can be a little self destructive and our own worse critic at times, enough said. You're beautiful, & here we go!
1. Suicidegirls.com is a community that is body positive & does not discriminate against anything the body offers. That's honorable as heck, in this generation. They want you to be YOU! And who doesn't like to like and be what they are and do?!
2. The groups and threads and opinions from members, hopefuls, s.gs & staff let you know without seeking validation that you don't have to change a thing. People like thin, thick, dark, light, larger areolas, and all things butt related. Seriously, scroll through some groups and you may be surprised by how accepted and even thorny people are for your quirks. You don't even have to comment to get validation that you're worthy of the sun.
3. YOURSELF. Shooting for s.g. was the first time in my life I had professional pictures taken. I was nervous and excited. I wanted to make a statement, even if it touched one person. Shooting for this community helped me become more of an advocate, helped me leave the lights on and clothes off during sex. It gave me more of a confidence that is all natural. When you shoot for s.g. it's almost like saying "Hey, my flaws are beautiful and if you don't like it, that's okay bc I accept myself" submitting a set is like another level of self acceptance to me.
4. The community will always have good feedback, care about you as a person regardless of whether you met or not. This is a place where you can be naked on the outside and on the inside and not get criticism. You become a support system a safety net, where you know you'll get the support even if you're just having a bad day.
5!! From hopeful to s.g. I have met and talked to so many amazing people that feel the same way I do about certain things. I've made legit friends here, that support not only my sets, but my life. And for that alone I am forever grateful to have fallen into this community. It truly is beautiful in every way shape & form.
This place molds your character to stray away from the social stigma & honestly live for yourself in a way I didn't think I could.
Don't get down, stay positive, talk to people in groups.
Find out what you like, and pay it forward.
I think s.g. for so many things from my anxiety, self esteem, to almost anything on the spectrum of the emotional self.
Here's to SG!
Making statements that go beyond skin deep!πππππππ