Ive had a few lady friends on the site ask, and here it bee.
I used to have the worst anxiety of all time. Were talking like gas stations, grocery stores, cabs, and so on. When I had this turd, a lot of things changed. I couldn't afford to be so illogical and scared all the time, I had to do right by my kid. I knew if I didn't I could do my job properly as a parent; he would need check ups, food, and generally just to breathe freely in this world. I wanted to set a good example for him, I knew he'd learn from example.. So I get up and do what need be with a smile on my face and a pep in my step so he might not be as scared of the world as I was. And it's cliche but its truth, he saved my life in the best way possible. He thought me how precious a week, month, and year is. He also stained my heart with laughter and a love I never knew. I'm a proud little mama bear, and I would do anything to raise him the way he deserves. And I'd most definitely do some time in the penitentiary to keep this little bird safe. I carry lethal weapons on me every time we leave#yugi look at the smile and those eyes, handsome dude.