As far myself, I had a very awesome Christmas. After a morning of shoveling snow from what was apparently the snowstorm of the millenium, Tiger_Fodder and I were off to spend the first part of the week in New York City, just hanging out and seeing the snow and holiday bustle. I actually took a couple pictures for a change, so I will share them.
The view from Bryant Park...

The street in a very slushy Little Italy, where we enjoyed a fabulous lunch and witnessed some very high mafia-esque type drama. If you really want to hear about it, ask Tiger_Fodder; he couldn't stop laughing about it for two days.

This was the view from the ground outside our hotel, which by the way had the slowest flushing toilets I have ever seen. When I say slow, I mean that you could push down the handle and then hear it flush up to an hour later, swear to god.

The view in Central Park was pretty spectacular.

And look at this handsome devil...
After three days of enjoying many of New York's finest Starbucks, we finished our holiday trip by heading to somewhere in New Jersey (I still don't know where) to spend a couple days with Tiger_Fodder's lovely family for some quality time before heading home for a quiet Christmas day together. We opened presents (I am now the proud owner of more scarves than anyone in their right mind would ever need, much to my delight) and feasted on what may very well become a holiday tradition for us: my homemade spinach lasagna.
We spent the early part of New Year's Eve at the Dane Cook show laughing our silly bitch asses off and then went home to watch the countdown festivities on TV in the relative safety of our own home where the only crazy drunk was me. We drank prosecco into the wee hours and played a game of Scrabble that I have no idea how I managed to win in my ridiculous state. Don't feel bad for Tiger_Fodder for losing though; his bruised ego was greatly soothed very soon after.
I am very excited to be starting a new year. While the greater part of last year was wonderful and brought many refreshing changes, the early part was a shambles that I am glad to have that much further behind me. I did manage to learn a couple things, however, for which I am thankful...
1. Staying away from toxic people is one of the greatest things one could ever hope to do for themselves and I urge any of you in nasty situations to find your way out. I have not spent an unhappy day in months and I know that is how my life is going to continue because I have learned this lesson, hopefully for the last time.
2. My home is not a place, but is within a person. I know that wherever I go, I am home as long as he is with me, whether we are walking down the street or in a hotel room somewhere far from where we live, we take our home with us always. This is something that I have learned not only for year, but for a lifetime and I know I will never forget it.
I hope you have also learned something of value that maybe you want to share. It was a big year of change for a lot of us and I hope it continues to be positive for everyone.