Bad dreams again. Feel myself drift off to sleep and there they are. Yuck. I woke up crying so hard I couldn't catch my breath. I can't get back to sleep so I may as well talk it out. I have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). I'm not going to go into all the details here, 'cause it might be too much information for most people and I don't like the judgment that comes with it. If you are someone who wants to get to know me, I have no problem sharing--it's part of who I am and without the experiences that led to it, I would not be the same rockin' chick and to understand me is to understand this problem. I am not crazy. I do not freak out randomly for no reason. My PTSD manifests itself in my sleep, which leads to me not really sleeping a lot. It happens mostly when I sleep alone, which is, sadly, all the time these days. I am not looking for sympathy; it makes me feel better to get it all out and right now the only outlet I have is this blog because anyone I would want to talk to to help me feel better are sleeping by now and I just can't be the freak who calls or texts in the middle of the night 'cause that is just not my style. This is my problem to deal with, it's just nice to have someone I can trust to be there when it's too much. I really hope I don't sound like a nut to anyone. I need a neck rub really bad right now.
Your situation it's not easy to handling...
I'm sorry!
But I have to say this...
You said in text you want(or need!) someone to trust... that's why you have this blog..
but here in the net it's very very hard to get trustly people...
(It's a kinde of weird I'm saying this...)
but it's true... behinde of the net... anyone becomes what "ever you want to be" see??
well (my bad english don't helps me to be more understandyble!) ...
well I'm here!