I want to cuddle. I am seriously in the mood to fall asleep in someone's arms while watching a movie in my awesome, fluffy king size bed. The problem right now, is finding someone cool enough to want the same thing. I am, for the most part, a pretty independent chick who enjoys alone time when I am fortunate enough to get some, but once in awhile I get the urge to be close to someone who cares enough about me to let me be myself and who WANTS me to be myself. I come with very few requirements other than those listed above. I am not interested in drama or chaos--just fun and comfort. The feeling of being held by someone special is one of the best things I can think of. By "special" I don't necessarily mean someone I want to live with or be married to or even be committed to on a full-time basis; just someone who enjoys some good cuddling and whatever else might come with it. Is that really so much to ask?

i feel the same way all the time....
i've only got one thing to say... ditto.