last night i told lil_tuffy that i have seen more penises than i have ever wanted to (which was taken a bit out of context). i take it back. now i really mean it. jeez...there has been so much porn today at work, it's amazing.
it's okay though, cause we are drinking sparks and talking about boobs and listening to music with the door shut and locked to make up for it.
today started out good and has continued to be good. and it will end up even better with chili's for dinner, 2 hours of lost and then some drinking at the knock out.
it's okay though, cause we are drinking sparks and talking about boobs and listening to music with the door shut and locked to make up for it.
today started out good and has continued to be good. and it will end up even better with chili's for dinner, 2 hours of lost and then some drinking at the knock out.
I love Chili's.
you won't be seeing me at the grocery store anymore, but now I'm closer to Pop's, so I'll probably see you more.