I'm such a lush... I dropped a class Now I'll just have 2 classes (two that are hard, mind you) and skating... I do skate two hours a day at least, if that makes up for anything... it might not. Oh well... off to dread my friend's hair!!!
More Blogs
Friday Aug 14, 2009
i hate moving. it's the most stressful thing to do in the entire worl… -
Tuesday Jul 28, 2009
Going back to school in the fall.... love that I will not be at McDon… -
Saturday Feb 07, 2009
Wow it's been a while, my computers sucks and for a while it wasn't w… -
Friday Dec 19, 2008
I hate Christmas songs, but I love getting shit for Christmas. I hat… -
Thursday Dec 11, 2008
So I've been really distracted lately. It seems as though I can't get… -
Sunday Nov 16, 2008
I just spoke to a lawyer, and I have to declare bankruptcy. I tried t… -
Friday Nov 14, 2008
So Tuesday was my birthday and I went back to the hometown to party..… -
Tuesday Nov 04, 2008
I love naps on my days off. They make me happy. -
Thursday Oct 30, 2008
So tomorrow is Halloween and I'm not doing anything. We moved into th… -
Sunday Oct 26, 2008
My apartment is SO messy. I HATE cleaning so much I would rather just…