i hate moving. it's the most stressful thing to do in the entire world. plus i have to work full time up until the day we move... box everything up on my days off... although the last two times we moved it was across the country and now were only going an hour away... it's worth it to get away from all of the teenage moms that keep asking when i'm going to have one of my own, and then just stare at me when they realize that i'll be 30 before that's in my plan. my mom waited til 32 so maybe there is truth in how long one waits is in direct relationship with how long one's mom waited. it's inconceivable to the young moms that you're fertile after 25... lol i definitely think that i'll be in a better position then... not that i'd have a problem if i found out tomorrow that i was but i like being selfish and free of most responsibilities. next month this time i will be in class, with no need for a job and no need for sobriety. i love it. it's like getting a free pass back to the life i had before i dropped out. like all of this time i was just a temp in life. i'll definitely appreciate it way more than i did, although i had a great time then.... i wasn't complaining in the least.
yay for class a few hours a day and then fun. lots of drinks, lots of pool, and lots of figure skating. that's what i'm up for.

Hate moving. Always too much in a rish to fix the new place up, so I end up moving to a new house that looks more or less like the old one, not fixed up at all. And those fucking carboard boxes...
happy birthday