I love speed.
New boy got a job interview today at Subway. Then my best friend who I've recently alienated since the break up with the old boy (since they were living together I figured things would be sour) but she's totally cool with me now and we just caught up the last two months in about 7 hours. I've had a great night.
She totally would get new boy a job at her work place if Subway falls through, so some income would be nice. He lives in a shithole now (which I consequently live in too), but we're totally trying to get a place together on the west side.
Finally set my modelling affairs in order, and I'm gonna be up and running within the next month. It makes me happy.... so why stop?
During our heart to heart we talked about pretty much everything imaginable (I mean, we did do a ton of speed) and I'm just happy that she stuck around again because I totally disappeared on her last year around this time. I just like jumping from group to group.... it's hard to keep separate groups happy, you know? But she's totally cool with the new boy now (she wasn't before, but I think that's just because she knew it would affect the relationship I was in at the time).
I'm gonna take spring quarter off from school and just get a job I guess. I still can't focus...even though I only have 5 classes left... I think I'm getting graduation anxiety. I'll totally be an undergrad still next year because the class I dropped this quarter is only offered during winter so I have to wait. Totally cool, I'm definitely not ready for grad school yet. The GRE's were a lot harder than I expected so I'll just have to sit down for a couple months and knock out some studying. Sucks you have to study so much just to get into grad school. Just to study some more. Oh well.
Totally enamored with this new boy. He's totally getting straight for me... nothing he's ever even attempted with any other girl. Makes me feel special kinda. Can't stand his psycho exes that are still trying to get with him, but I'm honestly not worried about it. With this new apartment we're just going to disappear and weed out the unnecessaries, you know?
Totally just got an invitation to be in a modelling agency that runs through youngstown, pittsburgh, chicago, and a few other places.... they've got 64 models! Yay you have no idea how happy I am right now.
Hope y'all have a wonderful day, because I feel like it's going to be spectacular!
New boy got a job interview today at Subway. Then my best friend who I've recently alienated since the break up with the old boy (since they were living together I figured things would be sour) but she's totally cool with me now and we just caught up the last two months in about 7 hours. I've had a great night.

Finally set my modelling affairs in order, and I'm gonna be up and running within the next month. It makes me happy.... so why stop?
During our heart to heart we talked about pretty much everything imaginable (I mean, we did do a ton of speed) and I'm just happy that she stuck around again because I totally disappeared on her last year around this time. I just like jumping from group to group.... it's hard to keep separate groups happy, you know? But she's totally cool with the new boy now (she wasn't before, but I think that's just because she knew it would affect the relationship I was in at the time).
I'm gonna take spring quarter off from school and just get a job I guess. I still can't focus...even though I only have 5 classes left... I think I'm getting graduation anxiety. I'll totally be an undergrad still next year because the class I dropped this quarter is only offered during winter so I have to wait. Totally cool, I'm definitely not ready for grad school yet. The GRE's were a lot harder than I expected so I'll just have to sit down for a couple months and knock out some studying. Sucks you have to study so much just to get into grad school. Just to study some more. Oh well.
Totally enamored with this new boy. He's totally getting straight for me... nothing he's ever even attempted with any other girl. Makes me feel special kinda. Can't stand his psycho exes that are still trying to get with him, but I'm honestly not worried about it. With this new apartment we're just going to disappear and weed out the unnecessaries, you know?
Totally just got an invitation to be in a modelling agency that runs through youngstown, pittsburgh, chicago, and a few other places.... they've got 64 models! Yay you have no idea how happy I am right now.

Hope y'all have a wonderful day, because I feel like it's going to be spectacular!
Glad the relationships are working for you, too.