God damn it! [I N S E R T R E A S O N H E R E] I don't have the energy to fill out this post. I'm pissed off. Maybe I should just write *irrational* shit that doesn't mean anything Remain completely obscure and call it creative expression [nasal pronunciation]. Then, nobody would say anything, or they could think of me as some romantic fucked up poet and everyone would be chummy and say nice things. God I hate that word.
After a while everything seems to stops making an impression. Maybe because the delivery becomes expected maybe a little ordinary You do get to know people, but what you really get to know is the patterns they follow, and similarities they share with others, the expressions they borrow from each other. Then, the only difference between each of them is their persona. That construct they protect, which they believe protects them, but it doesnt. Its just a padded cell baby.
To maintain interest, you have to push things a little.
After a while everything seems to stops making an impression. Maybe because the delivery becomes expected maybe a little ordinary You do get to know people, but what you really get to know is the patterns they follow, and similarities they share with others, the expressions they borrow from each other. Then, the only difference between each of them is their persona. That construct they protect, which they believe protects them, but it doesnt. Its just a padded cell baby.
To maintain interest, you have to push things a little.
i'll check out
the stalker.
gotta go.
back later.
good day 2 u, sir.