As you may have noticed, I don't pay much attention to this place anymore. SG has become crappy and dull for a number of reasons in my opinion and I don't intend to return once my subscription expires, whenever that may be.
Right, so...
As many of you know I am desperately trying to move to Brisbane. I've just absolutely had enough with the depressive rut I seem to be perpetually in here in Melbourne. I'm bored of this town and everything and almost everyone in it. I love the fuck out of my Brisbane friends and I feel like I really fit in that scene better than I do in the one I'm in here. A girl who lives up there is a factor also, but as most of you know I've been wanting to move up there for myself anyway long before she came along.
I seem to be utterly incapable of landing a job there though. Or even here in Melbourne for that matter.
There's a growing desire in me to just throw a bunch of my shit in the car, start driving north and work it all out when I get there. Two of my better Melbourne friends strongly believe I should do it also. The only things preventing me from doing so right now are that I don't want to dump myself upon anyone for the time being until I find a place of my own to live, and also that try as I may I'm just not a terribly optimistic person. I can see it all ending badly and me becoming a tremendous drain on those nearest and dearest to me and I couldn't stand it if that happened.
Advice anyone? Or do any of you Brisbaners know of anywhere that's hiring?
I'm desperate and I'm sick of being unhappy here.
Right, so...
As many of you know I am desperately trying to move to Brisbane. I've just absolutely had enough with the depressive rut I seem to be perpetually in here in Melbourne. I'm bored of this town and everything and almost everyone in it. I love the fuck out of my Brisbane friends and I feel like I really fit in that scene better than I do in the one I'm in here. A girl who lives up there is a factor also, but as most of you know I've been wanting to move up there for myself anyway long before she came along.
I seem to be utterly incapable of landing a job there though. Or even here in Melbourne for that matter.
There's a growing desire in me to just throw a bunch of my shit in the car, start driving north and work it all out when I get there. Two of my better Melbourne friends strongly believe I should do it also. The only things preventing me from doing so right now are that I don't want to dump myself upon anyone for the time being until I find a place of my own to live, and also that try as I may I'm just not a terribly optimistic person. I can see it all ending badly and me becoming a tremendous drain on those nearest and dearest to me and I couldn't stand it if that happened.
Advice anyone? Or do any of you Brisbaners know of anywhere that's hiring?
I'm desperate and I'm sick of being unhappy here.
Dude, update already -
- You are now back in Melbourne and living it up with the awesome. ROCK THIS CITY!