I've been neglecting my SG blog badly for ages now. I tend to just Tweet & Facebook these days as they're far lazier ways to throw bullshit up on the internet.
I'm currently jobless. I had an application in at Sweeney Market Research where most of my friends work which is a hella cushy job with great pay, but that most likely isn't gonna work out now thanks to the economic downturn. Big corporations aren't wanting to pay market research companies tens of thousands of dollars to run surveys right now so there's almost no work going for the people actually already employed at the place as it is. I've got an application in at my local GAME store too and I sorta know the boss there and get on well with him so lets pray that one works out. I really desperately wanna move out this year.
Oh yeah, and a couple of weeks back I chopped all my hair off for the first time ever and I also now wear glasses.
And the obligatory MySpace angles shot.
Can't wait 'til Thursday. Eeee!
Yup, so I'll be in sunny Brisbane from Thursday the 29th through to Monday or so. I'm gonna be lazy now and just copypasta and spoiler all the info I wrote in the Brisbaneite thread about it.
My house is so full of the boxes that it's actually difficult to manoeuvre - though my cat has lost his frightened eyes most of the time and is now bounding up and down the stairs. He's loving the stairs business. And the place is SO BIG!!! We haven't even sorted out furniture because we were at the old place cleaning until 9pm last night after using the entire weekend to move.
I went to the Aurealis Awards on Saturday night though and met some great authors. Looks like I might be a judge next year which is tres cool.
And that is about it from my caffeinated brain right now.