Last night:

Traffic was unreal.

Breakin' the law, breakin' the laaaaw!

Hard to see but that table was completely covered in bottles. House parties ftw!
My friend Lauren crashed over and we got home around 5am. We awoke at around midday and decided Oreos would make for a kickass hangover cure so we drove over to Safeway then went and sat in the car overlooking the sea and munched down for a couple of hours before she had to go.
This evening a couple of us went and watched The Dark Crystal at ACMI, (Gorgeous old print that looked amazing on their digital projector. I really should go see stuff there more often.) then went and ate dozens of dumplings at a tiny, always-packed little hidden alleyway restaurant in Chinatown that we frequent.

and for the moment Happy

Traffic was unreal.

Breakin' the law, breakin' the laaaaw!

Hard to see but that table was completely covered in bottles. House parties ftw!
My friend Lauren crashed over and we got home around 5am. We awoke at around midday and decided Oreos would make for a kickass hangover cure so we drove over to Safeway then went and sat in the car overlooking the sea and munched down for a couple of hours before she had to go.
This evening a couple of us went and watched The Dark Crystal at ACMI, (Gorgeous old print that looked amazing on their digital projector. I really should go see stuff there more often.) then went and ate dozens of dumplings at a tiny, always-packed little hidden alleyway restaurant in Chinatown that we frequent.

and for the moment Happy
Season One only has eight episodes, so they best find their feet quickly!